Monday, October 31, 2005

No Halloween

I was walking downtown yesterday and was suddenly horrified.
Christmas stuff is already all over the windows of the shops.

We are in OCTOBER people!!!!

I thought they were absolutely crazy. Something didn't make sense around here, somehow. Why was it already Christmas time in the shopping world? Ah. Because there is no Halloween here. Usually, you get bombarded by witches, pumpkins and stuff, by what...august? Nah, not here. In a country where they use pumpkin in about every dish imaginable. I think that's weird. Anyway.

I usually start getting excited about my birthday when Halloween is coming. But not this year, it's pretty strange.

Today, it is Halloween, but nothing is happening.

How boring. Poor kids.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

A good day

We woke up this morning, and ... went straight back to sleep. Nowhere to go, nothing to do. Perfect.

It was beautiful outside, a nice wind was blowing, the sun was shining and it was 28 degrees. We had a nice big breakfast, and did some chores in the house while listening to Radio-Canada Radio through the internet. My mom called. It was really nice.

We walked downtown to go and do my tax return, we met up with friends for a beer, and then went for a dinner for 2. Oh, and on the way, I saw the best bag...and Allen got it for me for my brithday. He will miss it- he's leaving for the desert again on monday...
I am not allowed to see the bag again, nor touch it, or use it. I am forbidden to do anything with it until the 7th. Fair enough.

We had a great late meal, and it was dark and lightly raining when we walked home.
Allen picked me flowers on the way back.
And now, he's fallen asleep on the couch next to me.

I wish things were like this every day.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

At long last

At long last, I can breathe.

The papers came in the mail this morning.

I am now an australian perminent resident.
After all this time.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Je viens de lire un message de ma cousine Annie.
Elle m'a appris que ma grand-maman adorée vient d'entrer à l'hôpital, mais elle ne savait pas exactement ce qu'était le problème. Et là, moi, à l'autre bout du monde, je n'ai pas de nouvelles, pas de updates, et je ne peux pas appeler à la maison, il est 4h du matin.

Et je suis inquiète. J'ai le coeur serré.

Je me sens tellement loin, tout à coup.
Je voudrais être à la maison. Pour aller la voir.

Lui dire que je l'aime très très fort.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

No cables

I am sitting in the KOJO production offices in Adelaide.
Their production house has been recently inceasingly involved in the production of 2:37.
We are all here, in an office overwhelmed with papers, apple computers and all the cases of our camera equipment.
It is a mess, but a good kind of mess.
The rest of the office building is really nice.
It reminds me of La Fabrique d Images in Montreal.

I m just enjoying my first experience with wireless internet.

Thought I d share it with you.

Tomorrow it s back to work for us, and we will finally completely wrap the shooting of this film in a few days.
We can already see bits of the film shaping up, and I am already proud of it.

I will miss being involved in a project I love so much, and that challenges me so.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I'm sick of waiting.

I am officially fed up.

I feel as if I am waiting for everything.
Waiting for the response from the government.
Waiting for the response from December Boys.
Waiting to move house next month.
Waiting for Allen to come home.
Waiting for the shooting to resume.
Waiting for the movies I want to see to actually open on screens here.
Waiting to see if I can come home for Christmas....

Waiting, waiting, waiting.

I'm sick of it, I want something to happen!!!


Monday, October 17, 2005

5:26 am

I was woken up early this morning by a beam of fluo pink light coming through my curtains. It was so intense, so colourful, that I had to look where it came from.

It was the most beautiful sunrise I have ever seen in my entire life.

I sat there, for a minute or two, just looking at it.

When i got my camera out, it was already faded. But here are a few pics anyway.

It was breathtaking.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

A sort of sunny day.

I don't know if it's because Allen is away and I am alone in the house on my day off.
I'm having a great lunch, it's a nice 27 degrees and sunny outside, and I'am meeting up with friends later this afternoon.
I have a big exciting week planned, and everything is going great.

But today, I really miss my friends. My Canadian friends.
Don't get me wrong, I do have great friends here, but it's not the same.

I miss my best friend.

That's all for today.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

My day off

I have been on set every day since thursday last week. I woke up late this morning. This past week has been wonderful, but oh so exhausting.
I woke up to a mountain of dirty clothes and an empty fridge. I guess that's what you get when you work 13 or 14 hours a day; no time to run erronds or do laundry.
So I did. All day today.

Yeah. Great day off, hun?

It's weird how you live in a small bubble when shooting a movie. You become so close to your cast and fellow crew members. The energy that surrounds this set is pretty special. You only really realize it when you go back home to your regular life.

I have applied for an attachment job on December Boys. A feature that will be shot on Kangaroo Island in November/December that will star Harry Potter himself, Mr. Daniel Radcliffe, and the girl who is playing the character of Melody in the movie we are shooting right now, the next big thing in Hollywood, Miss Teresa Palmer.
December Boys is a movie set in the 60's. How great would it be to be a part of it?
We'll see if I get an interview for the position.

In the meantime, I have to go food shopping if I want to eat tonight.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

My own way

Allen has been gone for 4 days, and already I'm finding my way again.
The way I have of living alone.
It's funny how I realize how I do some things differently when I am 'single'.

I am messier, of course.
My bed is not perfect every day.
My things take up all the space on the bathroom counter.
But overall, not as bad as one could expect.

But that's not the only thing.
I only use the bulb lights in the house; not the ugly ugly neon in the kitchen.
I listen to Radio-Canada radio station all the time.
I eat differently, I sleep differently.

I have quite a different beat when I live alone.
It's the first time I really realize it.
It's quite a strange thing to observe.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Les jours passent...

Chaque soir, je reviens du plateau de tournage et je me precipite sur ma boite aux lettres.

Je devrais recevoir ma reponse du gouvernement concernant ma residence d ici quelques jours. Tout est en place, et moi, j attends. Et c est long.
Et enervant.
Au travail, on parle des prochains projets qui s en viennent.
Le mois prochain, l an prochain...des projets qui verront peut-etre le jour si le financement debloque... et on a des propositions.
C est la que ca me serre le coeur.

Et si la reponse du gouvernement etait negative?

Et si d ici un mois je serais forcee de quitter le pays?

Je ne veux meme pas contempler l idee.
Mais j ai peur quand meme.

Croisez vos doigts pour moi.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Robin Hood

We had a long, harsh, cold day. Those shots our director thinks about, he has no idea how they are hard to execute and create. I had a run for my money today. I am absolutely exausted. I am home now, Allen left this morning for the desert.

There's nothing like watching a movie after trying to make one all day. I bought the special edition of Robin Hood: Prince of Theives last week, for like ten bucks. There's a second DVD with extras on it, and it's halarious; a young Pierce Brosnan from the eighties, with long hair and huge glasses has like little spots where he walks around an old castle talking about Robin Hood the legend and the myth and all that stuff. But the thing is, his texts are soooo bad, and he is sooooo intense, that it is just awful. I have been sitting here, almost wetting my pants. He looks that ridiculous.

At least the rest of the documentary and 'making of' is good.
But it's worth buying the DVD just for the laugh.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Back in the game

The two last days have been absolutely crazy.

We started shooting the last parts of the film we had worked on in January. Lots of things have changed and been added, and we are all back into it, cast and crew.
What's great is that we had sooo much fun together back then, and now that everybody is back, we are having an absolute blast. What a reunion. The atmosphere is so amazing.
It must be really rare to have that kind of vibe in the air when shooting a feature.
I looooove going to work. I love my job. I really really do. I don't even have the feeling I'm working. Don't get me wrong, my job is difficult and it is hard work, it's not made for everyone, but man, I just can't get enough of it. I am exhausted. I was on set at 5h45 this morning and came back home at 7h. Stopped less than half an hour to eat during the day. But man, I loved every minute of it.
We have lots of those hard days ahead.
Do I care? Nah.

Nah, nah, nah.

You know that saying that goes:
'When you find a job you love, you never work a day in your life' ?

Well, it's true.

I don't get it.

I wrote a post last week.

It seems to have disappeared.
I cannot find it.
So this is a test to see if this post actually makes it onto my blog....

Hum. This is weird. Wouldn't want it to happen again.