Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Just about ready

So I have been packing non stop for over 4 days. I am so sick of it I am not sure if I will want to unpack once arrived on the other side...

But we pretty ready, settlement is tomorrow, and we get the keys at lunchtime. We are a bit afraid of what we are going to find in the empty house. Is it going to be clean? Probably not. But how BAD is it going to be? I want to be able to slab a coat of paint on my living room before we move all the big stuff on friday. So tomorrow looks like it's going to be a very VERY long and straineous day. And friday too.

But how exciting at the same time.

Our internet is being disconnected from our appartment tomorrow, and we will not be able to have it installed in our house for about a week. Cause believe it or not, the house doesn't have a telephone line installed in it. It's about 13 years old, and aparently, the previous owners only used their cell phones, and no internet. Yeah. So that's the first bad surprise. Hopefully, it will be the only one.

So I am sorry if I don't communicate for the next few days, I will as soon as we are settled in. There will be lots of before and afters to show.
Wish me luck.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Cercle vicieux

Je voudrais une journée de congée par semaine. Est-ce trop demander? Je voudrais une journée de congé par semaine pour avoir une vie. Mais pour avoir une vie, j'ai besoin d'argent, donc j'ai besoin de travailler.
Si Pâques n'avait pas été la semaine passée, ça ferait trois semaines que je n'aurais pas eu une journée off. Where do you draw the line? I work everyday and I miss my friends. But the word mortgage makes my line all fuzzy.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Encore une autre boîte.

I hate packing. C'est tellement plate, tellement long et j'ai toujours peur que ce que je mets dans la boîte ne sera pas dans la même condition que ce que je sortirai de la boîte. Je dois envelopper des choses dignes de kilomètres de bubble wrap avec du papier journal...parce que le bubble wrap, ici, ça se vent comme si c'était de l'or.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Un dernier tour

Ça fait quelques jours que je veux faire un petit vidéo de notre maison avant que je commence à faire les boîtes. Je voulais pouvoir me souvenir de notre maison en ville étant toute belle, propre et bien rangée. La seule chose, c'est qu'on a tellement été occupés récemment, que ça a été impossible d'avoir tous les recoins de la maison super propre en même tmeps. Alors, aujourd'hui, j'ai fait mon petit vidéo pareil, même si tout n'était pas parfait. Parce que bon, on déménage probablement dans 9 jours, alors il faudrait peut-être que je commence à tout pacter....

Nous n'avons pas encore eu l'ultime confirmation que nous avons la maison. Mais nous avons notre pre-approval et tout est pas mal certain. S'il y avait eu un problème, nous l'aurions su avant.

Alors, dans l'esprit positif de la chose, je commence à tout emballer. Mais c'est difficile. J'ai tellement mis d'effort pour faire de cette maison NOTRE maison, que ça ne me tente pas de tout défaire. J'ai l'impression qu'on vient juste d'emménager. Ça fait moins d'un an que nous sommes ici. Et ça a été tellement difficile comme emménagement, la maison était si sale et en si mauvais état, que j'ai peur que ce déménagement soit aussi désagréable. Mais bon, si je commence aujourd'hui et que j'en fait un peu chaque jour, le tout me semblera plus facile.

Alors, Adieu, belle maison, je commence à te défaire.

Monday, April 09, 2007

It's never ending.

We are now in autumn. Cricket season is officially over. Women all over the world are sighing from relief. Their husbands have finally come back to them. Yeah. Cause when there is a game, it lasts all day, and when it's a test match, well, they don't see them for five days in a row. Now that the season is over, they all get to see their hubbies a little.

Or so they thought.

This year, there just HAD to be the Cricket World Cup. Apparently, it's a huge deal, even though they have been playing the same teams all season. It's been going on for weeks now. And because it is happening in the west indies, the all day matches are happening at night for us. They start at around 11pm and do not finish until 9 or 10 in the morning. So Allen has been staying up all night with his friends to watch the important matches, which there are plenty of. Apparently.
'Cricket, I hate you. I want my hubbie back!'

Good thing the finals are about to start.

But the Rugby World Cup is coming in September. Oh Goodie.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Nothing special

In my family, Easter is the perfect excuse to all get together, eat great food and have a beautiful afternoon. I can see it now.
It will probably be at my parent's house. My mom bought a nice center piece for the table while she was visiting. So that will sit proudly in the middle of the beautifully set dining table. Mom will have prepared a wonderful brunch and Steph will have made countless delicious desserts. Marc-André and Marie will be there, and my cousins with their partners and little Émile. My aunts and uncles too. And grand-maman. The sun will come out, slowly melting the newly fallen snow and the yellow tulips in our garden will start pointing out their noses.

For me, this sunday will be like any other.

I watched Easter Parade on tv this morning. It aires every year on channel 9. It's the third time in a row I watch it during Easter weekend. I love that movie. There's just something about watching Judy Garland and Fred Astaire in technicolor.
It makes me feel better.

I miss you, my wonderful family.
Happy Easter.

Good Friday

I don't remember the last time Allen and I had a day off at the same time.
It was a beautiful day yesterday, sunny and 25 degrees. Everything was closed, and so we had no obligations, nothing we absolutely had to do, so we just lounged, relaxed and decided to go out for a picnic.

Our friend Michael joined us, followed by his girlfriend Stella.

We brought food, wine, a nice blanket our scabble board and a soccer ball.
It was the perfect day for it. We stayed there all afternoon. It really was a Good Friday.

Can't wait to have a dog to bring along with us....

Friday, April 06, 2007

Best find yet.

There are certain things in life I like retro style. Fans are one of them. The originall 50's and 60's ones are very hard to find in working condition. Some companies have decided to use the retro style and make new fans, but they cost a fortune.
So if you like old fans, you are sometimes at an impass.

But a few days ago, I raided a few op shops with my friend Charlie, and there it was. Covered in dust and grease and gook, but gorgeous. Fonctionnal, and best of all, ten bucks!!

I took it home, gave it a good clean (that took about an hour, two rags and about fifty cotton buds) and now, it looks fantastic.

How cute is it?
And it works like a charm. Too bad summer is officially over...

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Thank God You're Here

Il y a un super programme qui passe à la télé le dimanche soir. C'est super drôle, ça me rappelle les bons moments que j'ai passé durant mon temps au secondaire et au cegep à regarder mes amis faire de l'impro dans les différentes ligues. L'émission s'appelle Thank God You're Here. Si les ligues avaient assez de budget, ça serait une super catégorie en impro. Voici le concept.

Il y a un animateur, un juge, un auditoire, et trois célébritées invitées. Il y aussi trois pièces fermées accessibles seulement par une grande porte. Ces pièces sont en fait trois petits théâtres. Le jeu est simple. Un invité à la fois passe aux loges se faire faire les cheveux, se faire maquiller et habiller. Une fois en costume, ils doivent traverser la grande porte qui donne sur un des trois théâtres et jouer une scène. Le hic, c'est qu'ils n'ont aucune idée de ce qui les attend. Ils ne savent pas pourquoi ils portent le costume dans lequel ils sont; ils ne sont pas au courant du personnage qu'ils sont supposé jouer; ils n'ont pas vu le décor du théâtre dans lequel ils entrent et ils n'ont aucune idée qui se trouve de l'autre côté. Tout est purement improvisé, et la première phrase qu'un des acteurs à l'intérieur du théâtre doit dire à la vue de l'arrivée de l'invité doit toujours être: 'Thank God You're Here!' Et l'histoire part de là.

C'est génial! C'est tellement drôle, parce que les scénarios sont tellement différents et si colorés. D'un temple à l'époque de l'Empire Romain à un studio d'enregistrement d'une émission de radio, les invités sont mis dans des situations impossibles, et ils doivent improviser jusqu'à ce que le juge décide que la scène est terminée.

Je me bidonne tellement à écouter ça, je pense que si la première saison est sortie en DVD, faudrait bien que je vous rapporte ça à Noël qu'on rit ensemble.

I was curious.

So I took the quiz.
Stole it from Vanou, who stole it from Martin... Free Online Dating50% - Free Online Dating
It was pretty funny.
I am happy with my quantity of geekyness.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Can't hold it any longer....

So I have been trying not to get too excited about the new house. We still don't know if our fiances have gone through, and our lender has been on my back day in day out because I am a freelancer. I have had to jump through many hoops this week to make them understand that I still make money even if I work on films.

So nothing is official yet. We are still under contract, and well, we should know in the next few days if everything will be ok.

I have been trying very VERY hard not to start picturing it. Our new house. Tried very hard not to think about what colour I will paint the living room, or how I will hang my pictures, or if we need another chair in there somehwere. Tried very hard not to think about how to cover the big mirror doors in the bedroom. Tried very hard not to chose new handles for the kitchen cabinets. I did. I tried very hard.

But I can't do it anymore. Now, I know I want those really nice stainless and white handles for the kithen. I know I want to paint the living room a grey-blue like my favorite throw rug. And I am thinking about putting up a very thin shelf on the wall like my sister has in her appartement to put my pictures on and let them lean on the wall instead of making a ton of wholes.

My mind is going about a hundred miles a second. Because it's quiet at work and I actually had a day off today. My first one in almost 3 weeks. What can I say. I guess this is what I would do if I wasn't in the film business. I would revamp things, paint things, rearrange things. Turn a house into a home. What can you expect after so many episodes of DIY on tv and having Donna Hay and Real Living as the only two magazines I actually buy.

Now, if we don't get the house, I'll really be disapointed. Cause I started seeing it.