Thursday, May 11, 2006

Juliette, la grande grande fille.

Il y a quelques jours, après le travail, j'ai rejoint les filles qui s'étaient réunies pour un petit souper. Charlie avait amené Juliette. Je n'en revient pas comment elle est gigantesque. Elle a 3 mois et demi et elle a la taille d'une petite de 7 ou 8 mois.

Elle est drôle, aussi. C'était la première fois que je la voyais sourire, et rire.

Elle est super cute.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Mon excursion

Alors, ce matin, j'appelle le travail.
Pas assez de monde pour que je m'y traîne en ce mardi pluvieux et frais.

La belle-mère appelle. Elle n'a pas de plans aujourd'hui, et me propose de me conduire chez Ikea. Elle savait combien je voulais y aller, surtout avant de déménager, question de me procurer quelques items de rangement dont j'aurai grandement besoin...

Alors, voilà. C'est ce que j'ai fait de mon après-midi. Je me suis promenée chez Ikea avec ma belle-mère.
Mais le problème, c'est que les Adélaïdiens sont devenus fous à la vue de toutes les bébelles suédoises pas cher. Tous les bons trucs ont été vendus en un temps record.
Plus de la moitiée des trucs que j'avais sur ma liste n'était pas disponible.

Et les containers sont quelque part entre Perth et l'Indonésie. Il faudra attendre près d'un mois pour recevoir toutes ces choses. Eh merde.

Mais ne craignez pas, j'ai tout de même réussi à satisfaire mon apétit Ikeadien.

C'est tellement le fun de tout dépacter. Voyez-vous, je ne suis pas une fille très glamour. Je ne collectionne pas les paires de souliers à 500$ la chaussure. Je n'ai pas une trousse de maquillage remplie du dernier ombre à paupière Dior et le mascara extra-cils Chanel. Ma garde-robe contient à peu près la même chose qu'il y a 3 ans.
Par conséquent, je ne dépense pas beaucoup d'argent pour veiller à mon apparence.
Mais ma maison, par exemple, c'est une autre histoire.
J'adore les homewares. J'adore acheter des trucs pour enjoliver mon nid.

Alors, ce soir, en vissant ensemble mes boîtes de rangement, j'étais comme sur un petit nuage. Je sais, ça peut paraître très étrange, mais bon. C'est comme ça.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Hurray Hurray!!

Guess what I found!!

My darling camera. Oh my God!!!

It somehow got into the suitcase filled with winter clothes I keep under our bed. It must have fallen into it when I got a scarf out of it a few weeks ago, and I just found it because I needed my jacket.

So that is how the big mystery was solved.

So stay tuned next week for pictures of our new place - yes, yes, folks, 7 more days, and we are officially out of the shoe box!

Something new

I got a call earlier this week from Nick, asking me if I was free to focus pull a music video he was shooting on the week end. Cool! I never worked on one of those before. It was so much fun. Louis, our trusty steadicam operator from Melbourne (he worked on 2:37) was flying down. I hadn't seen him for ages.
It was like a reunion.

We shot this clip in one day. In the woods, somewhere in the Adelaide Hills. We had a ball. We shot the whole thing in double time so that it would be in slow-motion once finished. So our absolutely lovely artist, Sia Furler (aka, the singer of much-loved-by-me group Zero7) was also singing the song SUNDAY (from her solo album) in double time. It was quirky, funny, and delightfully exhausting to follow her around in the woods.

But we had a blast. It was great to catch up with a few of the crew members of 2:37 and talk about all the exciting things that are going on.

The next day, it took me lots of will power to get to work, I was exhausted, and the last thing I wanted to do was go and serve food.

But that is my reality. Going off on shoots like this really makes me feel like I am in a dream. I can, for a few days, believe that this is my life, that this is what I do all the time. One day, this will really be my life.
I can't wait.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

My way home

I finished work semi-early tonight. On my way back, it was dark, and I was walking alone on the wet pavement. It had been raining all day, so the whole road was glistening and shining. And then I saw it. It crossed in front of me, and hopped onto the tree next to me and climbed up to the first branch. And then, it just stood there, and stared at me.

The first possum I have ever seen for real! And it was great, because we were right under a lampost, so I got to see him so clearly, which is pretty unlikely - they are very shy and very nocturnal animals. Usually, anyway. But he just stood there, in the light, and it seemed as intrigued with me as I was with it.
I was so frustrated I didn't have my camera. So here's a picture I found to show you the type of possum it was...
It was the cuttest most adorable little animal ever. It was very cool.

It reminded me how much I still have to discover in the great Aussie land....

Still nothing.

I still can't find my camera.
I have absolutely no idea where it could be.
What to do? What to do.
I have no money to buy another one right now.

This sucks.

There is something missing in my life.
And lots of things you are missing in my blog as a consequence.
And on flickr.

Man, this sucks!!!

Monday, May 01, 2006

At long last

I took my first trip at the new IKEA today. I just opened a few weeks ago. Just in time for us to do lots of shopping for our new place. Yé!

I got a few things, mostly stuff to organise our things before we move so that we don't lose anything. So boxes, files, dividers...

So I am at it today. I am going through our paperwork and putting everything in place.

It's crazy what you can accumulate in a year and a half. We will be doing some major shedding in the next few weeks, and dropping lots of stuff either in the recycling bin or in the Salvation Army bins.

So it begins.