Monday, September 08, 2008


So my phone loses charge really quickly. It's really annoying.
It dosen't have the ring tones I like, but I have gotten used to that.
It has served me well in the past year, but now, I get messages saying I missed a call when it didn't even ring. Sometimes, I don't even get that missed call message and people tell me they've been trying to call me but there was no answer, nor forwarding to my message bank.

I am in between jobs. I am waiting on a response for what might be one of the greatest most exciting films ever to be shot in Adelaide. But what if the production calls me and the call doesn't get put through my weird acting phone? And sending my updated resume would have been so much easier if I had had access to the internet at the touch of a button...

I think the universe is trying to tell me I need an iphone.


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