A picture.
I want to put a picture up today.
I don't know which one yet.
I miss spending hours in the black room, developping and printing pictures. I used to spend whole days in there, not eating, not coming out until the college closed. I wouldn't see time fly. Too busy burning, dodging, playing around with filters...
Ah man, those were the days. I could really stretch my creative legs in there.
Sometimes, I think I will post pictures up that I took, developped and printed, all completely manually, and tell the story behind them.
So here goes. Let's try the first one. I have to pick it.
Now, just remember that it will not look as good as in real life, because it is a picture of a picture....
I remember taking this autoportrait to put it beside my name on the front page of the portfolio that carried all my hopes to get into the film production program of Concordia University. Thought it was a good way to introduce myself without actually being there when the panel of judges would be looking at my work.
I like this picture because it reminds me of how far I have come from that moment.
Back then, I didn't know if I had what it took. I was scared, and frankly, lacked confidence that I could do it, that I could be one of the 3 people out of the 75 who applied for a transfer in the program who would actually be selected to do it.
Still didn't know I could make it into the film industry.
It's strange to look at this picture today.
I don't know which one yet.
I miss spending hours in the black room, developping and printing pictures. I used to spend whole days in there, not eating, not coming out until the college closed. I wouldn't see time fly. Too busy burning, dodging, playing around with filters...
Ah man, those were the days. I could really stretch my creative legs in there.
Sometimes, I think I will post pictures up that I took, developped and printed, all completely manually, and tell the story behind them.
So here goes. Let's try the first one. I have to pick it.
Now, just remember that it will not look as good as in real life, because it is a picture of a picture....
I remember taking this autoportrait to put it beside my name on the front page of the portfolio that carried all my hopes to get into the film production program of Concordia University. Thought it was a good way to introduce myself without actually being there when the panel of judges would be looking at my work.
I like this picture because it reminds me of how far I have come from that moment.
Back then, I didn't know if I had what it took. I was scared, and frankly, lacked confidence that I could do it, that I could be one of the 3 people out of the 75 who applied for a transfer in the program who would actually be selected to do it.
Still didn't know I could make it into the film industry.
It's strange to look at this picture today.
Salut beauté des îles,
Je sais, je sais, j'écris pas assez souvent... Comment tu vas Mapie de mon coeur? Je viens de me taper tes derniers mots, tes dernières photos aussi. Comme tu aimes lire en français, je te paie la traite!
Je t'écris juste pour pour t'envoyer des flocons et du soleil aussi. Tu sais, le soleil l'hiver quand il fait froid et que les cils collent ensemble? Ce soleil-là. Parce qu'il a l'audace d'être chaud et réconfortant contre tout le blanc de la neige. Et que justement, elle est belle la neige aujourd'hui : cristalline comme une neige de film de Noël.
Je dépose ma demande de maîtrise demain. Une enveloppe de papier brun comme une immense promesse de bonheur. J'ai si hâte.
Mon amoureux bosse aujourd'hui, je traîne donc en pyjama, entre deux brassées de lavage, en chantant à tue-tête. Je parle à mes géraniums aussi. Les géraniums, ce sont de grands sentimentaux, c'est connu. Alors je profite de ce dimanche plein de soleil hivernal pour leur parler un peu. Je leur ai parlé de toi tout à l'heure, en regardant tes photos. Je leur ai dit que la femme sur l'image, c'est une sapristi de belle femme, avec un sourire, de la volonté, un laurier rose et tout et tout. Et que c'est une amie chère et qu'elle me manque. Mais comme elle est au pays de son amoureux, elle a la possibilité de vivre l'envers des saisons. D'où mon envoi de flocons. Car il faut bien une copine au Québec pour envoyer ce genre de chose. Et parler de ses géraniums aussi. Que veux-tu, je me pratique pour mes vieux jours.
Parce que si le bonheur garde vieux, je vais bien vivre jusqu'à cent ans Mapie. Tu sais, ce bonheur quotidien, juste l'amour tous les jours, partout dans le coeur, partout dans la tête. La folle spontanéité de se dire encore, chaque matin, "qu'il est beau quand il dort!" Et avoir cette pensée en tête comme ça, sans même l'avoir réfléchie. c'est peut-être ça l'amour...
Ça ou aller vivre au pays des kangourous et des gougounes en février.
Je t'embrasse bien fort, Al aussi.
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