Monday, August 14, 2006

No '-'.

So we walked up to the cinema for the premere.
Just walking in was surreal. Posters everywhere, the press, the critics, all waiting for the glamoured up cast to show up.
I was waiting for Nick to show up because he had my tickets. It took a long time for them to arrive, and I was starting to think that maybe we would not get in.
I was nervous.
I didn't know what to expect. The film happens in one day, so lots happen all at the same time. There was a million ways this film could have been pieced together. That was the beauty of it I guess, and also the challenge.
So after a few drinks at the foyer catching up with the cast and the few crew members present, exchanging news and congratulations, we were finally in the dark, bums on our seats and the screening started.
I held my breath as the logos appeared one by one. Kojo Pictures. Village Roadshow.

* * *

By the end I realized how much I had been wrapped up in the technicality of it all. How my focus was; which takes they decided to use, etc.
I think they did a fantastic job cutting it.
I didn't get into the emotional side of it as much as the audience did, because of course,I knew what was going to happen, I had already seen every shot. But I have to say that I was proud of the work we had done, how far this beautiful film has come and how the final product carries itself. The problem is (and we spoke of it lots after the screening during the Q&A with Murali, the director,and the cast) that the movie got an R rating. It was made for young teens going through their teen crisis, and they are not going to get to see it until they are 18, and that most of their problems have faded. And some of them will not live to see that day, having taken their own life at 16 or 17 when this film might have helped them not to go through with it.

The producers are trying to counter the R rating decision, and I wish them all the best. Because I think it is important that young viewers see this film. And I am not the only one with this opinion.

The film opens in Australia on August 17th. It will be distributed to a number of other countries. I know it will go to France, so Vanou, you can go see it, but we are still waiting to see if it will make it to Canada. I will keep you posted guys.

Oh, and you know how I was scared they wouldn't spell my name right in the credits?
Well, they didn't.
I am Marie Pier Labelle. No hyphen.
Ok, not as bad as if it were a typo like Marie-Peir or La Belle or something like that. I think the credits guy might have thought that Pier was middle name and that there wasn't supposed to be a hyphen. Oh well. I guess there is nothing I can do about it now.

I'll keep you posted on the film, how it's doing and if it will make it to Canada.

I will start posting more regularly now that I am back from the outback. Pictures of the Lucky Miles shoot will also come soon. Promise.


Blogger PatLam said...

According to IMDB, it's supposed to come out here in Canada in september for the Toronto Film Festival. But that's as far as I could dig out...

1:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salut Marie-Pier. Although I'm not a big fan of the film, you can tell people it will officiall be at Festival du Nouveau Cinéma in Montreal - 18-28 oct.

8:22 AM  

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