Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Grey's Anatomy Spoiler.

If you watch Greys, and you are completely hangning off the cliff hanger from the season finale of season 5, do not read any further. Consider yourself warned.

So I was watching David Letterman. It's on really really late here, so I almost never catch it. But tonight, Allen is working the night shift, and I am not sleepy. And David started the show by saying: 'One small step for man, one giant waste of time for mankind' which I thought was funny because it's been all over the news you know, how it's been 40 years since Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, and how since then, we haven't been anywhere else. So yeah. I laughed at David's joke and decided to watch on further.

Katherine Heigl was the first guest on the show. Great. I like her, she's funny and pretty and doesn't play the stupid blonde girl game. She's witty. She laughs big laughs, and smiles big smiles. I hate girls who pout. I really really hate girls who just pout. But then, it happened. Bluntly, straightly, the first question that Mr.Letterman asked (after giving a comment on how she had red hair and how it was quite a change) was how things were on Grey's Anatomy!!! And of course, she responded. She told him how they've been back for a week, and how it's weird because George is not there anymore. What?!? They just spoiled the whole thing in less than 30 seconds. Is that even legal?? I thought they'd be sworn to secrecy until the premere of the next season or something. Alright then. I did think that George was going to go, but still, it was nice to have that hint of uncertainty. Man!

Oh well.
Serves me right to stay up and watch TV when I should be going to bed.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Pub du moment.

Allen écoute le Tour de France tous les soirs. Même si ça commence tard pour nous, il écoute sans faute, même s'il travaille tôt le lendemain. Et il y a une super pub qui passe durant la diffusion.

La voici.
Allen rit à voix haute à chaque fois. Elle est bien bonne.
I think you'll like it, dad!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

It's late...

And I am watching an old episode of Grey's Anatomy while I am working on my forthcoming expo...yes, yes, I'll tell you all about it soon, promise.

Anyway. It's an old episode, and it's snowing on Seattle. Nice big flakes. Everything is white and it's nightime. I can hear the quiet muffled sounds of the city. I can feel the crisp cold air in my lungs. And it's fantastic.

Tonight, on the news, they said that it was going to be a cold night. 10 degrees. Yeah, right. '' Cold''.

I miss the REAL cold.

I know. Call me crazy.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Last Ride

One of the movies I worked on last year opened in cinemas last week.
It's doing very well and got lots of fabulous reviews.
I am proud to have been a part of it, it's really one of the best films (if not THE best film) I have worked on.

Here is a link to see the trailer if you are interested...

Thursday, July 09, 2009

A nice surprise

When I moved almost five years ago, there were no Advils here. I used to use them as my first remede for headaches, backaches, period pain, you name it. Nothing I tried here worked as well as them so I used to bring jumbo packets back from Canada. I was so happy when I saw them arrive on the shelf of my pharmacie. Great. One less thing to bring over.

There was also no Aveeno when I moved here. Aveeno is the only cream that really agrees with my fussy skin. Bringing that back from Canada Costco sized bottles at a time was no picnic, especially when they split open in my bag along the way... When I saw that being introduced to the Aussie public, I was relieved. Didn't have to ration anymore.

Although not all things I have grown up with and loved in Canada is available here - far from it- I was stunned when I saw a sign at the cafe Allen and I often go to for breakfast. Just a little place down by the beach in Port Noarlunga. The blackboard read 'New! Jones Sodas. Available in Root Beer, Bubble Gum and Green Apple flavours.'
Oh my God!! Jones Sodas!! I used to have the green apple one all the time at the Java U café next to Concordia University. I go down to the IGA and drink plenty of it when I am home. But I had never seen one here - they are hard enough to find in Montréal!!
If you know me well, you know how much I love them.
So much so, that I one with my eggs benedict.

That made my day.

Now all they need to do is open a GAP store here.
And a Saint-Hubert Restaurant.

Monday, July 06, 2009

I know...

I am not writing much these days.
Lots of things up in the air.
Here's quickly what's happening.

1- I worked on a commercial this week, it's so refreshing to work at such nice and steady pace, having people around being so relaxed and unpressured. Also, being paid good money is really good. I could get used to that.

2- Got another iPhone! Yeah, the new one. I really missed my old one... and I realized I can skype from it. Very cool.

3- I am frantically preparing for my first ever photographic exhibition. I'll tell you all about it soon...

4- I am reading Lovely Bones. Good book. Really really good book.

5- We put curtains up in the living room. They rock my world. Yes, I am very easily pleased when it comes to homewares.

Ha! That's the Reader's Digest version.
Tell you all about it later.....gotta go!